In many communities across America, including Redwood County, people are grappling with what the national shift towards renewable energy will look like. Some might see wind and solar projects as a gateway to local infrastructure improvements, jobs, income for landowners, and lower property taxes. Others might see the projects, with big machinery and blinking lights, as a disruption to the rural landscape they love.
Then, somewhere in the middle, is where most people probably find themselves: unsure about what exactly clean energy could mean for their hometown. There’s a clear need for people across this spectrum to learn more about the future of local energy and identify their shared community priorities.
To do just that, we hosted a Rural Energy Dialogue in Redwood County September 12-14, 2019!
The Process

Over the course of two and a half days, a randomly selected, demographically diverse group of 18 Redwood County residents studied and discussed community development and energy.
Expert speakers talked about how energy development happens, how it impacts county and landowner finances, design guidelines, and most importantly, how these topics are experienced and perceived by community members.
Presentations included:
- Energy Overview & How Development Happens: Brian Ross, Senior Program Director, Great Plains Institute
- Redwood County Finances & Decision-making: Vicki Knobloch Kletscher, County Administrator, Redwood County
- Design Guidelines & Wind Development: Shanelle Montana, Senior Project Developer, EDF Renewable Energy
- Economic Resilience & Wind Development: Gene Metz, County Commissioner, Nobles County
Download the learning materials below:
- Wind Energy Production Tax handout
- Economic Benefits, Drawbacks & Mitigations as identified by participants
- Quality of Life Benefits, Drawbacks & Mitigations as identified by participants

By the end of the event, participants had identified opportunities and priorities for Redwood County’s energy future. Participants were also asked to answer the question, “Based on what you’ve learned through this experience, do you feel residents should support expanded/future wind development efforts/projects in Redwood County?”
Here’s how they voted:
Yes, under most circumstances/whenever possible – 56% (10 votes)
Yes, but only if certain conditions are met/put in place – 44% (8 votes)
No, not under any circumstances – 0% (0 votes)
In a statement to their neighbors about the event, they wrote:
Download the final reportIf we get started with thoughtful exploration of expanded wind development in Redwood County now, we can move ahead faster.
It’s time to move forward.